Welcome to the training.
You have been tasked to elimitate 3 unmanned T-90 tanks which have been captured during battle and are now being used as training targets.

There are two way points, which will guide you through the training mission.

WAYPOINT 1 - Preparation

To perfectly align your left and right maverick missile launchers with the TGP (Targeting Pod), we got permission for locking onto a friendly unit to boresight our missiles.

The friendly unit is a US truck located at waypoint 1.

WAYPOINT 1 - Boresighting

- select steerpoint 1 (will be selected by default)
- enable Air to Ground mode

Right MFD
- select the WPN page - it should show the maverick seeker
- select PRE mode (OSB 2)

Left MFD
- select TGP page
- switch to AUTO mode, to enable auto handoff to the maverick seeker

- Enable ground jettison and set master arm to simulate
- slew TGP to the truck
- TMS up to lock the target
- switch to the Right MFD by DMS down, to make the Maverick SOI
- if the lock was already handed over and you see the shaking crosshair, you can skip boresightung and continue with waypoint 2
- slew the maverick seeker to the truck (adjust FOV if necessary)
- TMS up to lock the target
- Press the Boresight OSB (BSGT)
- repeat for the second weapon station by pressing OSB 10
- set master arm to ON and disable ground jettison

WAYPOINT 2 - Preparation

At waypoint 2 you will find the 3 T-90 tanks.

- Select steerpoint 2 to slew TGP to the coordinates
- Once you are within 8nm, you will be able to auto handoff the TGP lock to the Mavs
- make TGP SOI it should automatically slew to the tanks

Fire and forget

- TMS up to lock up, you should see the shaking mav crosshair on the right MFD
- Fire and forget
- repeat for all three tanks